Students and staff sitting on a couch.

Supporting the growth and success of Asian and Pacific Islander students at 菠菜网lol正规平台

The Center for Asian Pacific Islander Student Empowerment provides community-building and cultural and academic empowerment opportunities for Asian and Pacific Islander students at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

What We Do

CAPISE staff tabling at event

Our Services

From Academic Advising to our API Resource Library, see what we can do for you.

Afghan Student Association members posing

Events & Programs

Don’t miss out on workshops, mixers, cultural programs…and more!

Two students performing a Filipino cultural dance.

Get Involved

There is more to college than attending class. Join a student organization or volunteer with CAPISE.

Graphic explaining how to give a monetary gift to CAPISE using the giving website.

Make a Gift to the Center for Asian Pacific Islander Student Empowerment (CAPISE)

Contribute to the Center for Asian Pacific Islander Student Empowerment with your gift! With your help, CAPISE can expand the opportunities and experiences we provide to support our Asian and Pacific Islander students on their 菠菜网lol正规平台 journeys. General donations will support programs, services, and resources that empower our diverse Asian and Pacific Islander community.